Content Creation and Multimedia Productions
We develop content strategies and create every kind of custom content for brands, products, and campaigns. We provide copy, images, company videos and photo shoots.
Successful communication is increasingly linked to the quality and customization of the content. All of our projects include strategic planning and individual, tailored content production.
We oversee the production directly and curate every detail of this important communication tool, whose relevance has grown due to the increased tendency to expand inbound marketing efforts.
Inbound marketing
The constant, rapid evolution of digital communication has changed and redefined how we communicate, especially in terms of advertising and all related content. The public has better opportunities for becoming informed, thanks to the free access to information that the web ensures.
Opinion-making and judgements are increasingly influenced by the plethora of information available online, making corporate web reputation a key element when evaluating a brand. Therefore, it is essential to carefully curate all content, particularly when it is web-accessible, in order to develop suitable inbound communication strategies.
Content strategy
Unimeta is constantly monitoring different channels and media to stay up-to-date and to follow the evolution of the languages and ways content is presented, which allows us to develop highly effective content marketing activities. The correct rendering of content is one of the most important factors behind a successful communication strategy. It is fundamental for corporate storytelling and defining the brand, and indispensable for reaching important objectives, such as:
• Creating the right brand awareness
• Defining the personality and identity of the company
• Brand positioning
• Differentiation of unique selling propositions
• Sales support for products/services
• Customer loyalty
Content Copy
Unimeta produces copy according to the planned communication strategies. Editorial planning is scheduled for different media, and we determine the proper tone-of-voice and communication style. We also draft texts for articles, newsletters, blogs, and news, oversee the copywriting SEO for websites and online marketing activities, as well as manage corporate social media accounts, by writing posts and planning their publication.
Videomaking and Photo Shoots
Images are the main protagonists of digital communication. Sharing and virality are the two words that quantify their popularity, uniqueness, quality and originality, all of which are required to ensure good engagement. We design and create videos and photo shoots by focusing on these aspects. We plan all our productions to meet the user’s primary need to access necessary information immediately, so they can find authentic, useful information directly from the company, which conveys the brand’s essence, products, and services within real, verifiable contexts.